Christians do not just go to church. Christians are the church. Trinity Life provides opportunities to gather beyond the church walls and engage in life-giving activities that will help you connect with others, experience a sense of belonging to one another, and grow your relationship with each other and with Christ.
Trinity Life is about creating spaces where people can meet and share their lives. Sitting at a meal, going on an outing, or cheering on your friends and family; these settings will provide a place for you to turn strangers into friends
Trinity Life Groups meet for six weeks at locations across the CSRA. Trinity Sports Teams gather on Sunday evenings to compete and have fun. Trinity Life Groups & Trinity Sports Teams, are where you will form bonds that will last a lifetime.
Everyone experiences times when you will need Godly advice and an encouraging word. Connecting with others and belonging to groups and teams will help you reach out to someone in a time of need. You will be used by God to help someone in their time of need. 

Life Groups

Trinity Life Groups meet in home, cafes, walking trails; anywhere you do daily life. These groups gather for six-week sessions throughout the Spring and Fall. Support Groups meet to help participants overcome and grow. Participants will grow in relationships through time in God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship. 

Trinity Sports

Trinity Sports take place on Sunday evenings at the Trinity Baptist Martinez campus. Teams will compete in volleyball, softball, and basketball throughout the year. There are winners and there are losers, but everyone has fun and leaves having made great friendships and memories. 

Believer's Brunch

Believers Brunch is a monthly get-together to enjoy a nice meal and hear directly from Pastor Matt about the ministries and vision of Trinity Baptist Ministries. 

Women's Ministry

Java with Jesus and Ladies-Night Out are just some of the opportunities to gather with the women of Trinity Baptist Ministries and build lasting relationships. You are not alone! 

Men's Ministry

Low country boils, outings, and work days. Whether rolling up our sleeves or cutting up, there are opportunities for men to connect and build strong bonds.